Democrats Already Pressuring Trump On Guns

Less than three weeks before inauguration day, some Democrat leaders in Congress are pressuring incoming President Donald Trump to support some of their gun control schemes.
According to an Associated Press report, Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate, has accused Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of blocking meaningful action on gun violence.
“This is the moment for the president to do something different and courageous,” Schumer told the AP.
Of course, one person’s “something courageous” is another person’s infringement on Second Amendment rights. Stopping such infringements is one of the primary reasons both President Trump and Sen. McConnell were elected to their respective offices.
According to the report, Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently informed President Trump that any gun control proposal must include the House-passed bill to expand background checks. They argue that if that provision is not included, it will create dangerous loopholes.
Certainly, most gun owners realize that purported “universal” background checks are merely a method to ban private gun sales and establish a de facto gun registry—both of which directly infringe on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
The AP also reported that President Trump intends to announce something regarding gun control to the American public in the coming week, as stated by White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.
Regrettably for America’s law-abiding gun owners, Sen. McConnell appears open to supporting certain gun control measures in the upcoming session that commenced on Friday.
“I still await guidance from the White House as to what (Trump) thinks he’s comfortable signing,” McConnell recently told reporters. “If and when that happens, then we’ll have a real possibility of actually changing the law and hopefully making some progress.”
The simple truth is that President Trump and the Republican majority members in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate were not elected to “make deals” on gun control measures that jeopardize Second Amendment rights. Gun owners voted decisively in last November’s election to resist President Joe Biden’s four-year campaign against the nation’s gun owners, manufacturers and dealers.
With the presidency and control of both houses of the legislature, pro-gun Republicans have no reason to compromise on any legislation to “do something” about so-called gun violence, which is an anti-gun term for violent crimes illegally committed by violent criminals using firearms. We delivered the presidency and both majorities to combat schemes that would infringe on our rights, not to play games with them and compromise with Democrat gun-ban advocates.
Hopefully, all of those elected officials—who work for us, not the other way around—will keep that in mind when gun control rhetoric starts circulating on the House and Senate floor. If not, we’ll need to remind them quickly that they are on thin ice regarding any infringements to our right to keep and bear arms.
Read the full article here