Colorado Lawmakers Introduce Sweeping Long Gun And Handgun Ban

On the first day of the new legislative session in Colorado, anti-gun Democrat lawmakers introduced one of the most sweeping bans on so-called “assault weapons” ever considered.
Under Senate Bill 3, the purchase, sale and manufacture of semi-automatic guns that accept detachable ammunition magazines would be banned in the state, taking in a wide swath of popular rifles, pistols and shotguns.
According to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA):
Senate Bill 25-003 bans so-called “specified semi-automatic firearms,” defined in the bill as “…a semi-automatic rifle or semi-automatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semi-automatic handgun with a detachable magazine.” According to NRA-ILA, Semi-automatic firearms with detachable magazines have existed for well over a century, and these platforms definitely fit the definition of “in common use” as set forth by the District of Columbia V. Heller ruling.
The bill prohibits knowingly manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling or purchasing a specified semi-automatic firearm, according to the legislature’s bill summary. However, a person may transfer a specified semi-automatic firearm to an heir, an individual residing in another state or to a federally licensed firearm dealer. (Apparently, these guns are OK for residents of states other than the People’s Republic of Colorado.)
“Unlawful manufacture, distribution, transfer, sale or purchase of a specified semi-automatic firearm is a class 2 misdemeanor, except that a second or subsequent offense is a class 6 felony,” the bill summary states. “The Department of Revenue shall revoke the state firearms dealer permit of a dealer who unlawfully manufactures, distributes, transfers, sells or purchases a specified semiautomatic firearm.”
The definitions in the bill highlight the variety of common rifles, pistols and shotguns that the measure would prohibit if it is approved and signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis.
“‘Detachable magazine’ means an ammunition feeding device that is not permanently attached to a firearm and may be removed from the firearm without rendering the firearm incapable of accepting any magazine,” the bill states.
Take a quick look through your gun safe(s) and see how many guns that involves. I did just that, and along with all of my AR-style rifles, three of my deer hunting rifles also have detachable magazines.
Also, according to the legislation, “‘Gas-operated semi-automatic handgun’ means any semi-automatic handgun that harnesses or traps a portion of the high-pressure gas from a fired cartridge to cycle the action.”
That definition, of course, takes in everything from my 1911s to Glocks to FNs to my EDC Springfield Hellcat. In fact, I’m not sure there is a semi-automatic handgun that doesn’t harness a portion of the gas from the fired shell to rack the slide and recharge the chamber.
Ultimately, this may be the most restrictive gun ban proposal ever—well beyond the so-called AWB bans that prohibit AR-style rifles and other semi-auto rifles with disqualifying features. Unfortunately for Colorado gun owners, a report from states that the bill has 18 original cosponsors in the Senate, including all but five Democrats in the chamber. It requires 18 votes to pass the Senate.
If the bill passes the Senate, which is the Legislature’s more politically moderate chamber, it will almost certainly receive approval from the House, where it has 24 original cosponsors, and reach the governor’s desk, according to that report.
If the measure is passed and signed into law by the governor, gun rights groups will likely sue the state over the law. Given recent court precedents, such challenges are very likely to succeed, although they will almost certainly be costly.
Read the full article here