Abject Failure: Biden’s Few Gun “Accomplishments” Will Likely Be Dumped

In what might have been his last major grandstanding event concerning gun control, President Joe Biden on December 14 used the 12th anniversary of the horrible mass murder at Sandy Hook High School in Connecticut to brag about his few anti-gun accomplishments and call for more restrictive firearms laws.
“With the strength of this emboldened movement by our side, we have made historic progress to reduce gun violence over the past four years,” Biden said at the press conference, where he outlined what he called the administration’s “accomplishments.”
Among those, of course, was the creation of the first White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, a farce of a federal office whose name is even based on a core fallacy that when criminals used lawfully produced, legally sold firearms for illegal means, what results is “gun violence,” not criminal violence. That allows Biden and other soft-on-crime Democrats to continue to coddle criminals while blaming the gun and lawful gun owners for the country’s criminal violence problems.
It’s likely—and we can certainly all hope—that the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention isn’t long for this world with President Donald Trump moving back into the White House. Many observers speculate that one of President Trump’s first actions might be to immediately close the office.
Other Biden “accomplishments,” namely the multiple executive orders he put into place concerning everything from redefining what was a “firearm” to changing the definition of who is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms, are also likely on the way out soon. Not only have several of those actions already been found to be unconstitutional, but President Trump can undo them just as fast as Biden executed them.
That leaves what Biden considers his one crowning accomplishment concerning gun control—passage of the so-called Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA)—which some turncoat Republicans supported and allowed to become law. Since then, the Justice Department has worked to put some ill-thought-out provisions of that law into effect, in the process making no one safer but life more inconvenient for lawful gun owners.
With Republicans retaining control of the U.S. House of Representatives and gaining control of the U.S. Senate in last month’s elections, that law might also be on the way out. In fact, if pro-gun groups get their way, Congress next year will not only be working to get rid of some of America’s restrictive gun laws but also put more laws into place that protect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners.
Not only does Biden not seem to be aware that his legacy of gun control as president is nearly nonexistent—thanks to pro-gun groups and gun owners around the country—but he also doesn’t seem to understand that most of the “accomplishments” he did make will soon be relegated to the dustbin of history.
With that in mind, he made one more plea for Congress to “do something,” even as his own party put forth such a bad candidate for president that the Democrats managed to lose the Senate, too.
“Congress has an obligation to ‘do something’ in order to protect our children and communities from this scourge of gun violence,” the president said.
To that, we can only reply with what we are all looking forward to saying on January 20 of next year: “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”
Read the full article here